This is part of a standard session for kickers. It would follow a simple warm up that would comprise approximately 20 snap punts starting at a distance of 10 metres and progressing to 30-40metres. Look to include a game element, for example a variation of forceback, to help bring intensity and variation to the session. As with all kicking sessions make sure the players are well warmed up. Start with a box kick from a halfback to a right wing or fullback. This is a good opportunity for the receiving player to practice their high ball catch. The receiving player then kicks ‘long and in’ with the objective of keeping the ball in the ‘tram lines’ between the five metre line and touch. The receiver here can run to a more central position and kick the ball with a long clearance kick from within their own 22m. The objective here is ‘long and out.’ This kick can be fielded by another halfback who can reposition and box kick (left foot) to a fifth receiver who may be a stand off who c...